Furnace Inspection Checklist & Cost
The winter months are challenging for homeowners for several reasons. For starters, you don’t want your furnace failing in the middle of a chilly night. And if that happens, you’d most likely contact the HVAC service for an emergency repair.
To make sure your furnace keeps working and stays in optimal condition, we’d suggest getting it checked by a professional. Moreover, we have discussed a furnace inspection checklist with the costs involved to help you prepare better for the inspection.
Take a look.
Why You Need Furnace Maintenance
Yes, it may cost you a little to have your furnace checked, but it will be worthwhile in the long run. While inspecting the furnace for any issues, the technician will thoroughly check it and inform you about the potential issues that might strain your wallet in the future.
So, identifying such issues and rectifying them early on is necessary for smooth operation. Furnace inspection can also help you to:
- Save money every month on energy bills.
- Have peace of mind, knowing your furnace will keep your home warm in chilly winters.
- Your furnace’s life can decrease significantly if not maintained properly, which otherwise lasts for 15 years.
How Much Does a Furnace Inspection Cost?
The cost of furnace inspection depends on two main factors, as discussed below:
Factor #1: Contractor or Company Quality
Usually, you’d need to pay extra for a thorough tune-up by a professional technician. That said, consider paying extra to the professional to assess the furnace’s insides and check for possible cracks on the walls. Beware that if you don’t spend liberally on your gas furnace inspection, it may lead to severe furnace issues in the future, costing you several times the inspection cost.
Make sure you look for the below-mentioned aspects in an HVAC technician before hiring them.
- Are they insured and licensed: Does the agency have validated insurance and license? You don’t want to spend on maintenance from a firm that isn’t verified.
- Positive Reviews: Check their Facebook and local search reviews. If the firm has positive reviews, they will probably do an effective job for you.
- Work Guarantee: Does the agency have a full work satisfaction guarantee? If not, you may want to look for other options.
Factor #2: Contents of the Maintenance and Inspection Checklist
While checking for issues, the home inspection professional should:
- Inspect thermostat settings
- Check all electrical switches
- Evaluate and repair the air filter if soiled
- Oil all moving components
- Look for clogs in the furnace condensate drain
- Test furnace controls
When assessing agencies for furnace continuance plans, you should only choose an agency that will fulfill the above points.
Furnace Inspection Checklist
Lower Your Thermostat
Did you know that you can save up to $100 per year by setting your thermostat during the night at 7-10 degrees and then returning it back to normal early in the day? It’s true!
You could save even more money by setting your thermostat to 55 degrees before you step out of your home for a long time. Look at it this way, the closer your home’s temperature is to the outside temperature, the more you’ll save!
Replace Your Old Furnace
If you’re due for an upgrade or your furnace is just inefficient, consider replacing your furnace with a modern, more efficient model that will reduce your energy bills by approximately 25-30%.
In fact, replacing a furnace that’s 60 percent efficient with one that’s 98 percent efficient can help homeowners save up to $11,469 during the system’s lifetime.
Optimize Furnace Burners
The most obvious indicator of energy loss is rust and corrosion caused by the furnace’s burners. Fortunately, this can be caused by a leak in condensate and isn’t too difficult to fix.
Reverse Ceiling Fans
As you probably already know, hot air rises. However, did you also know that you can push it back to its original position by simply reversing the ceiling fan’s blades? This is a particularly effective technique for homes with higher ceilings. It could be a great way of reducing heating bills by up to 10%!
Inspect Your Insulation
Insulation is usually installed in attics, walls as well as in crawl spaces. It’s designed to retain warm or cool air inside your property.. Similar to a hole in a sweater, the insufficiencies of your insulation could allow warm air to leak out. And this can cost you a lot on energy bills. However, adding an extra insulation layer to the weak spaces can immediately help you save considerable cash!
Let In The Sunshine
It’s no secret that the sun is warm, so why not leave your shades up all day long, letting the sun’s rays naturally warm your home and reduce expenses? However, make sure to close your curtains at night to shield your property from the night’s freezing chill.
Final Word
Getting your furnace ready for the winters will mean two things:
- You can have peace of mind that your system is in optimal condition.
- You can cut on extensive repair costs.
Take cues from the above checklist and get your system ready for the winter!